Twelve years left? – Nellie N and Honor B
As you all may know, our world is suffering from a dreadful threat we know as ‘climate change’. COVID-19 has taken over multiple news headlines causing climate change to be unnoticed and forgotten about. Although coronavirus does pose a huge threat to our world, climate change is much bigger than we seem to think. This crisis is causing some of our most favoured animals to go extinct and demolishing our wildlife as we know it. So we did some research and what we found was shocking…

12 years left?
The following 18 months will be crucial. We must make change, a big one, over this time period if we want to live on a healthy planet. If we are to keep the climate rise below 1.5c this century we must cut carbon admissions by 45%. The idea proposed is that if we don’t change our ways then we will only have 12 years left before we face an irreversible climate crisis. We as a generation must utilise the time we have before we create irreparable damage. I feel over time the generations have procrastinated, having thoughts like ‘we still have time’ and ‘don’t worry, the next generation will sort it out’. We need to come to terms with the bitter reality, change must happen now or we will face the consequences that the future beholds.

There are multiple things we can do to stop this from happening, whether it is cutting down our use of technology or adding an eco friendly touch to our homes with solar panels. These things may seem small but in the long run, will have a huge impact. We ALL need to participate! There are so many fun activities and things that we can do to help. Why should we push this aside? I know there is a global pandemic spreading around but we can use this as an opportunity to get creative and benefit our planet for the better.
If you don’t want a planet with no trees, wildlife, no animals in sight then do your best to help with this as we want our voices heard! We all want a healthy planet which is why our future depends on us. So please stop procrastinating, please stop pushing something so important aside and get your hands dirty in saving our generation and the next, one step at a time…
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