Brextinct? – Lucy Wong

Brextinct? – Lucy Wong

“May’s Brexit deal dead as a dodo” – The Sun


The UK is due to leave the EU on the 29th of March, 2019 – it’s the law, regardless of whether there is a deal with the EU or not, and stopping Brexit would require a change in the law in the UK. Brexit could be delayed if the EU agrees to extend Article 50 and this is determined from whether its leaders think there is a chance the UK could end up staying in – possibly through another referendum. However, this would still only delay Brexit by only a few months. The oppositional party – Labour, wants to force a general election and, after winning it, go back to Brussels to negotiate its version of Brexit. If Labour can’t force a general election it has said it will push for another referendum.


What is the Brexit deal?

  1. A 585-page withdrawal covering information such as how much money the UK owes the EU (an estimated £39bn), as well as what happens to UK citizens living elsewhere in the EU and EU citizens living in the UK
  2. A 26-page statement on future relations sketching out the kind of long-term relationship the UK and EU want to have in a range of areas such as trade, defence, and security


However, most major newspaper presses and media bodies speculate and favour the plausible outcome that the UK might not leave the EU after all. The majority are set to agree that May’s deal is being slowly euthanized – if her own survival is unlikely, the death of her deal is guaranteed.