‘Married to the job’ – Teacher Couples #1: Routledges – Molly Freeman

‘Married to the job’ – Teacher Couples #1: Routledges – Molly Freeman

To kick off the start of a new series of interviews with the teacher couples, I asked Mr and Mrs Routledge to begin. The Routledge’s have not been with the school for very long but I’ve been told they are a popular pair and have even been described as #couplegoals, ewww….


  • Who’s the better teacher? MR: Mrs Routledge JR: Brownie points MR: I’ve straight up said my wife is a better teacher and she’s gone *sigh* maybe I am JR: No because I don’t know whether you actually mean that or use just saying it MR: Mrs Routledge is the better teacher JR: Mr Routledge is the better teacher
  • When are you going to have kids? JR: Why does everybody want to know this?! MR: We already have all the kids we need, we feel like working here, with so many talented children, we have over 700 kids JR: Creepy, I don’t know, when it happens it happens
  • How does Mr Routledge feel about the Harry Potter obsession? MR: Part of any successful marriage is tolerating imperfections and Harry Potter is not one of them, it makes Mrs Routledge a part of who she is and for that I am truly thankful
  • Who are your favourite Harry Potter characters? MR: *writes down 2 characters he thinks are Mrs R’s favourite* JR: I don’t know, I love Luna Lovegood but I like Neville, he’s cute… I like Sirius Black MR: I put Neville stroke Sirius
  • Are you thinking about any pets? MR and JR (in chorus): No JR: Well I’m allergic to dogs
  • How do you guys feel about food shopping? JR: Mr R hates food shopping with me because I get distracted, I get distracted by deals and offers and Mr Routledge doesn’t like that MR: I mean, why go shopping for lots of different types of food when you can just buy pizza
  • Does Mr Routledge enjoy the MUN trips? MR: Yes I do, I really enjoy it, certainly from someone that teaches a lot of Latin public speaking and Roman politics, to see people who do lots of public speaking, I think it’s a really good thing, it’s really good when I see kids that I haven’t taught for a long time or don’t teach anymore or kids that I do teach but I see them in a different context to how I see them in lessons, I just think it’s really good to see them do something different like that
  • What are each other’s worst habits?
  • What are your favourite foods? MR: ha sushi JR: that’s not yours at all MR: I can be very precise, a Pizza Hut, pan base, four topping create your own: pepperoni, beef, double extra mozzarella cheese JR: cheesy chips and gravy, anything with gravy, that’s one thing you cannot get down in the south is proper gravy MR: the gravy is pretty poor down here JR: And they always put onion in it MR: yeah it does my head in that, I feel like this is a separate interview
  • Have either of you ever worn a toga? MR: Obviously, what self-respecting classicist doesn’t wear a toga at some point? JR: Exactly
  • What is the best date you have ever been on (together)? MR: I know what it is for me but I don’t know if Mrs Routledge shares it, it’s the date where I decided to take Mrs Routledge to a restaurant near where she lived and it was on that date when I asked her to marry me JR: I think that’s probably my favourite date as well, he got all of our families inside the restaurant waiting for us so that when we went in, they all went “Oh my gosh, you’re engaged, hurray”
  • Does Mrs Routledge like classics jokes? MR and JR (in chorus): yes! MR: And this is why this marriage is a successful one
  • Finally: what would you say if I said Dominoes? JR (in her best MR voice): yes please MR: I’d say, yeah, cornerstone of any nutritious diet, please enjoy in moderation JR: I’d say overpriced and overrated MR: *sigh* I don’t think this marriage is going to last.